Snell Heating & Air Conditioning

Comfort is on the Horizon

5 Signs & Symptoms of Dry Air in Your House

5 Signs & Symptoms of Dry Air in Your House

We use a variety of heating systems during the winter season such as furnaces, heat pumps, boilers, and fireplaces to maintain the comfort in our home. While these systems may make the home more pleasant, they also produce a large abundance of dry air. If you have dry air in your house, you may notice various irritating signs and symptoms. We’ve put together a list of the top issues associated with dry air along with the benefits of whole-house humidifier systems.

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Signs Your Air is Too Dry

1. Static Electricity Shocks

Have you ever gotten zapped while turning on a light switch or adjusting an appliance in your home? This issue is caused by the abundance of static electricity in the air. To eliminate this problem, we recommend investing in a central humidifier to eliminate the dry air in your house.

2. Dry Skin

The skin on your body is mainly water. This is the reason for dry skin issues throughout the colder months of the year. When the outdoor air is dry during the winter season, you may notice issues such as itchy and cracked skin. Additionally, an excess amount of dry air in the house may also cause moderate to severe acne issues. To combat the symptoms of dry air in your house, invest in a whole-house humidifier to monitor and maintain sufficient humidity levels.

3. Dry & Aggravated Nasal Passages

Some people may experience dry, itchy, and aggravated nasal passages in setting with dry air. This common dry air symptom is directly responsible for nosebleeds in the winter. If you’re having trouble breathing, we recommend moving a room or area with higher humidity levels.

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4. Damage to Flooring

As the temperature continues to drop outside, the air in your house will continue to become more and more dry. Since dry air is attracted to moisture, this may cause issues in your home such as rickety floors, ceiling or wall fractures, and leaks near windows. While central humidifiers aren’t always cheap, we recommend purchasing a system to save money on repair issues caused by dry air in your house.

5. Dehydration & Other Physical Issues

If you have a large supply of dry air in your house, you may start to encounter the symptoms of dehydration throughout the day. Additionally, this type of air may irritate other physical conditions such as asthma, sinusitis, and bronchitis.

How a Whole-House Humidifier Operates

A whole-house humidifier is usually attached to the central furnace of a home to provide moisture to the air supply. There are a wide variety of humidifier types available for homes. A steam humidifier is engineered to push steam into the furnace air supply to eliminate dry air. On the other hand, a flow-through humidifier utilizes water to eliminate dry air issues in your enclosure. 

The most popular type of system is flow-through humidifiers because of their cleanliness and affordability. This type of humidifier is able to eliminate dry air in your house by diverting incoming air to an evaporator pad. Once the air has absorbed moisture from the evaporator pad, it is pushed through the air ducts in your home.

Read More: Improve Your Air Quality With the Phenomenal Aire Plasma Generator

Furnace Installation Services

Indoor Air Quality Services

The team at Snell Heating & Air provide dependable HVAC repair services for homes in Virginia such as indoor air quality monitoring, whole-house humidifier installation, heating system installation, furnace repair, boiler maintenance, and air conditioning installation. Our staff will help you choose a central humidifier to fight the negative symptoms of dry air in your house.  Give us a call by phone at (703) 543-9649 to receive assistance. 
