This Saturday night when we go to bed, don’t forget to turn your clock an hour ahead. Although we’ll all be a little sleepier on Sunday, we’ll be able to enjoy longer days from then until November — and hopefully, those long days in Northern Virginia will get warmer soon!
The beginning of daylight saving is also a good time to change batteries in your smoke detector and check that your carbon monoxide detector is working properly. Although we assume there aren’t as many fires in warmer weather since furnaces aren’t in use, the National Fire Protection Association reported air conditioners cause an average of 20 deaths, 140 injuries, and $82 million in property damage annually.
What Causes Fires in Air Conditioners?
Fires in spring and summer can break out due to:
- Poor electrical wiring
- Insufficient maintenance
- Overuse during very hot weather, which can cause the unit to overheat and ignite surrounding flammable items
How Can I Prevent HVAC-Related Fires in Spring and Summer?
Proper HVAC maintenance is key to avoiding fires. For a safe warm season you should:
- Schedule a maintenance visit with a certified HVAC technician
- Changing the air filter
- Keep flammable items away from the unit
Review Your Emergency Plan With Your Family
Hopefully if you’ve taken the steps to prevent fires in your home, you won’t have a problem. But since it’s best to always be prepared, make sure to go over your “just in case” plan with your family.
- It’s always safer to sleep with the door closed
- Stop, drop, and roll or crawl until you’re in the clear if you see smoke
- Have a designated safe meeting place outside of your home where you’ll all meet
Snell Heating and Air Conditioning Can Help Keep Your Family Safe This Summer
We hope you enjoy the long, warm days in Fairfax County. Your safety is our number one priority, so as we head into spring please give us a call to schedule an HVAC tune-up. We will clean and examine your AC and make sure all the connections are safe and working properly. We look forward to hearing from you!