Whether you’re heading out of town for a week or a month this summer, you may be thinking of ways you can save on energy bills while you’re gone. Because extreme heat and humidity can damage your home, it’s never a good idea to turn your air conditioner off completely. Instead, follow these tips before you leave.
Set Your Thermostat Higher
While it’s not smart to turn your AC off, you can save quite a bit on your electric bill by setting it at a higher temperature. Set your programmable thermostat to 85 degrees and it won’t allow your house to get so humid that it damages wood floors, cabinets and doors. If you have a smart thermostat, lower your thermostat to 75 degrees on your way home and your house will be nice and cool when you get home.
Keep Curtains and Blinds Closed
When the sun can’t shine in through windows, your air conditioning doesn’t have to work as hard to keep rooms at 85 degrees. There’s no reason to let the sunshine in when no one is home anyway, and potential intruders won’t be able to look in and see that no one is home.
Consider Your Pets’ Comfort
Chances are your furry pal will gravitate to a cool, dark place if you’re leaving them at home, but you may want to leave the thermostat a degree or two cooler than 85 just to make sure they stay comfortable while you’re gone.
Call Snell Heating and Air Conditioning If You Have Problems When You Return
Enjoy your vacation! If you return from a stress-free paradise to a house that won’t stay cool, give us a call. We will address your problem and make sure your air conditioning keeps working for the rest of summer.